The University of Pennsylvania
M.S.E. Computer Graphics and Game Technology
B.S.E. Digital Media Design
The University of British Columbia, Vancouver Concurrent Studies
Stanford University Summer College
Staff Software Engineer Google
Software Engineer Medium
Lecturer UPenn Computer Science CIS 191
Teaching Assistant UPenn Computer Science
Engineering Intern Medium Obvious
Head Grader, Manager UPenn Computer Science 1XX Courses
Technology Summer Analyst Goldman Sachs
Engineering and Design Intern The Washington Post Company
Research Assistant UPenn SIG Center for Computer Graphics
Residential and Teaching Assistant UPenn SAAST Program
Web Development Assistant The Daily Pennsylvanian
Java, C++ (OpenGL), C, Python, MATLAB
Typescript/Javascript, HTML, CSS, PHP
Photoshop, Illustrator, InDesign
Maya, 3ds Max
Alumni Interviewer UPenn
Communications Chair, Member UPenn Science and Technology Wing
Orientation Peer Advisor UPenn School of Engineering and Applied Science
Cover page artist Canadian National Calendar Contest